Yuriko Miyamoto

She started learning solfege and violin from the age of seven. At university, while majoring in acoustics at the Department of Physics in the Faculty of Science, she belonged to an Orchestra of the Music Department and acted as a concert master.
As she was impressed by the antique music box, she joined a music box maker, and had been engaged in the development of music boxes and arranged music for large disc music boxes.
Currently she acts as a freelance artist such as;
Arranging various music for music box, activities to spread the hand-cranked music box Organette, concerts at various facilities (child care support facility, nursery/kindergarten, school, hospital, elderly facility, museum, cafe, etc.). Not only performing Organette alone, but she also perform with the collaborating performances with whistles, songs, concertinas (which is rare in Japan), and readings.
In order to exchange information on Organettes with the members who enjoy this instrument, she established “Organette Fan Club” in Oct., 2015. They hold Organette performance experiences and perforated music sheet making workshops mainly in the metropolitan area.
She is fully expected for the future performances such as concerts in the gallery space and collaboration with visual art works.
Personal Website: Gentle Orgel
What is “Organette”?
“Organette” is especially refers to a card type hand-cranked music box in this case. Inserting the perforated band-shaped card with a recorded tune, it play the music with rolling the handle. You can play any tunes by changing the tune cards. It is quite easy to make an original tune card, as it is made of paper. “Organette” was developed in Japan around 1970 and currently there are 2 types, 20 or 33 notes, produced in Japan. “Notes” are the number of sounds played.
“Organette” is registerd trade mark in Japan by Nidec Sankyo Corporation.

Iridescent Days with Whistle and Music Box
Whistle: Akiko Shibata / Music Box: Yuriko Miyamoto
The 3rd collaboration CD with professional whistler Ms. Akiko Shibata. Recorded in a chapel for the reverberant sound. You will find different timbre from the previous CDs. 15 tunes (20-notes Organette used)
1.この道 2.浜辺の歌 3.からたちの花 4.トロイメライ(Traumerai) 5.The Water is Wide 6.糸 7.MI・YO・TA 8.カノンメドレー 9.賽馬( さいま) 10.ドナ・ノービス・パーチェム(Dona Nobis Pacem) 11.カッチーニのアヴェ・マリア(Ave Maria/G. Caccini) 12.つむぎ風 13.虹の彼方に(Over the Rainbow) 14.オー・シャンゼリゼ(Les Champs-Élysées/Waterloo Road) 15.あなたの寝顔(宮本由利子作曲)

Strolling in a Starry Sky with Whistle and Music Box
Whistle: Akiko Shibata / Music box: Yuriko Miyamoto
The 2nd collaboration CD with professional Whistler Ms. Akiko Shibata. Some tunes are over-dubbed for the whistling harmony. 15 tunes (20-notes Organette used)
¥2,200 (tax included)
1.朧月夜 2.テネシーワルツ(Tennessee Waltz) 3.雨にぬれても(Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head) 4.ラヴィン・ユー(Lovin’ You) 5.クロス・トゥー・ユー(Close to You) 6.雨に唄えば(Singin’ in the Rain) 7.ゴンドラの唄 8.北の国から 9.スカボロー・フェア(Scarborough Fair) 10.「四季」より冬 第2楽章(The Winter from “The Four Seasons”) 11.きらきら星変奏曲 12.「アルルの女」よりメヌエット(Menuet from “L’Arlésienne”) 13.グリーンスリーブス(Greensleeves) 14.星に願いを(When You Wish upon a Star) 15.アメージング・グレイス(Amazing Grace)

Gentle Time with Whistle and Music Box
Whistle: Akiko Shibata / Music Box: Yuriko Miyamoto
Collaboration CD with Ms. Akiko Shibata, who won the World Female Champion twice in 2010(China) and 2012(USA) in the International Whistling Competition. Enjoy the gentle harmony of whistling and Organette. 10 tunes (20-notes Organette used)
¥1,650 (tax included)
1.口笛吹きと犬(The Whistler And His Dog) 2.ムーン・リバー(Moon River) 3.ジュピター(Jupiter from “The Planets”) 4.パッヘルベルのカノン(Canon/J. Pachelbel) 5.春の海 6.蘇州夜曲 7.青い山脈 8.上を向いて歩こう 9.川の流れのように 10.涙そうそう

Concertina: Miyuki Miura / Whistle: Akiko Shibata / Music Box: Yuriko Miyamoto
(“Mallette” is pronounced “Mare” in Japanese. “Mare” in Japanese can mean something “rare”.)
“Mallette” is an ensemble unit formed by 3 performers who plays “rare” Musical instruments, such as concertina (a kind of accordion), whistling (using body organ), and Organettes. Enjoy this wonderfully “Mare (rare)” world of tone.
8 tunes (20-notes Organette used)
¥1,650 (tax included)
1.パリの空の下(Sous le ciel de Paris) 2.ウェルナーの野ばら(Heidenröslein/H. Werner) 3.庭の千草(The Last Rose of Summer) 4.The Rose 5.風のとおり道(となりのトトロ) 6.シルクロードのテーマ「絲綢之路」 7.テネシーワルツ(Tennessee Waltz) 8.星に願いを(When You Wish upon a Star)

Fantasy Animation
Music Box Arrangement and Performance: Hamaji (Yuriko Miyamoto)
Mainly performing the music of Studio Ghibli’s animated movie works. 18 tunes (33-notes Organette used)
¥1,980 (tax included)
1.崖の上のポニョ 2.遠い日々~風の谷のナウシカ 3.風の伝説~風の谷のナウシカ 4.となりのトトロ 5.風の通り道~となりのトトロ 6.さんぽ~となりのトトロ 7.君をのせて~天空の城ラピュタ 8.おしえて~アルプスの少女ハイジ 9.テルーの唄~ゲド戦記 10.よあけのみち~フランダースの犬 11.旅立ち~魔女の宅急便 12.海の見える街~魔女の宅急便 13.晴れた日に…~魔女の宅急便 14.もののけ姫 15.愛は花、君はその種子~おもひでぽろぽろ 16.いつも何度でも~千と千尋の神隠し、17.世界の約束~ハウルの動く城 18.星めぐりの歌

Japanese Nursery Rhymes
Music Box Arrangement/Performance: Hamaji (Yuriko Miyamoto)
Well known Japanese Nostalgic melodies are played in slow tempo. 18 tunes (33-notes Organette used)
¥1,980 (tax included)
1.この道 2.みかんの花咲く丘 3.月の沙漠 4.夏の思い出 5.花嫁人形 6.海 7.お猿のかごや 8.椰子の実 9.小さい秋みつけた 10.赤とんぼ 11.里の秋 12.七つの子 13.野菊 14.たき火 15.ペチカ 16.かあさんの歌 17.故郷(ふるさと) 18.夕焼小焼